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Contact: james.zhang@cccchurch.us
Kunming Su grew up in Hubei Province , China. Ph. D. in Physics, University of South Carolina, 2005. Professional Science Master, University of South Carolina, 2005. Master of Divinity, CIU (Columbia International University), 2011. Teaching Physics and Chinese Mandarin at Ben Lippen High School, a ministry of CIU from 2012 to 2014. Starting August of 2014 serve as Interim Chinese Pastor. Starting January of 2016 serve as Chinese Pastor. Wife is Jiang Hong, children are Alex, Esther, Irene, and Oliver. Contact:pastor.su.km@cccchurch.us
Pastor Tom began serving as C4’s English pastor in 2011.
Before that, he served in Chinese and Asian-Amerian churches in New York City and Raleigh. Pastor Tom grew up in Milwaukee and received his Bachelor’s degree from the University of Wisconsin. He received his Master of Divinity Degree from the Alliance Theological Seminary, and Doctor of Ministry from Fuller Theological Seminary. Pastor Tom is strongly supported in the ministry by his wife Grace and son Zach. Pastor Tom enjoys eating delicious plant-based meals, supporting his Wisconsin sports teams (Go Badgers, Go Packers!), and playing with his beagle, Sammie. Contact: pastor.tom.s@cccchurch.us
The English Adult Fellowship is an English-speaking, ethnically-diverse adult fellowship group that meets bimonthly. Our fellowship time provides the space where we can worship the Lord, study God’s Word, pray for each other, and encourage one another in our pursuit of Jesus. Our desire for our group is to increasingly love God and love people more. If you would like more information, please contact Pastor Tom at pastor.tom.s@gmail.com.
The youth leaders at C4 seek to help youths establish a firm foundation in Jesus, build fellowship with one another, and learn to serve others out of a love for Christ. (Events and programs may vary due to COVID-19 precautions)
For: 6th grader and upper
Place: C4
Time: Every Other Sunday 1pm-3pm
Contact: Nick Liu 803-447-0293
Learn moreYoung Adults! Come join us by the fireside to engage in food, fellowship, and discussion, as we read through the Book of Galatians. Stayed tuned for other special activities.” “Young Adults! Come join us by the fireside to engage in food, fellowship, and discussion, as we read through the Book of Galatians. Stayed tuned for other special activities.
Elder Chuck Kwok is a faculty member of the International Business Department at the University of South Carolina. He and his wife Shirley Kwok are active on campus ministry. They have a son, Ethan Kwok. Elder Kwok is frequently invited to lead discipleship training in various churches. He is the Vice-President of Ambassadors for Christ, a mission organization headquartered in the U.S.
Elder Dan and his wife, Anita, both grew up in Taiwan as missionary kids, but did not meet until both moved to Columbia, SC, where they were married in 1995. They have three daughters, Esther, Amanda, and Aimee.
Dan has been at a private engineering firm since 1995 working on many water resources projects in and around South Carolina. Dan graduated from LeTourneau University in 1985 with a degree in Mechanical Engineering. After working for 3 years at Newport News Shipbuilding in the Virginia Tidewater area, Dan moved to Columbia, South Carolina to attend Columbia International University where he graduated in 1995 with a Masters of Divinity and Youth ministry emphasis. From 1991 to 2018, Dan and Anita have been heavily involved with the youth ministry of C4. At the end of 2018, Dan was ordained as the first elder of C4.
Dan enjoys playing outdoor team sports like soccer, football, Ultimate Frisbee, and softball. He also enjoys long bike rides. Not so with long runs but it’s a necessary evil to stay healthy.
I am a wife and mother and passionate to participate in God’s work in the hearts of C4 children! Having become a Christian at eight years old, I understand the value of introducing children to Christ at an early age and helping them grow up in him.
I have been prepared to serve as a Children’s Ministry Director through my involvement in local churches and various Christian ministries over the years, including Child Evangelism Fellowship and Columbia International University. Homeschooling our children/teens and ministering to children through the venues of church, camping, mission trips, and neighborhood outreaches have also helped shape and equip me.
Avalon 团契约有十位组员,有信主二十多年的弟兄姊妹,有单身或已婚 。我们中间有餐馆厨师会计,银行家,公务员,软件工程师等等。我们借着在圣经真理上的学习,实践爱神和爱人的原则,以致可以在信心和生活上互相关怀,帮助并鼓励,一起分享生命。我们除了有固定的周曰晚查经等聚会外, 每三几个月有小组集体活动,包括聚餐,郊游等。新冠疫情之前, 我们是每周曰在弟兄姊妹家中查经聚会。目前我们每周曰 晚7:00 通过Zoom 查经。欢迎您加入我们查经小组!如果你想了解有关我们小组更多的情况,请跟我们联系。
联系人:卢洁芳 irislo1306@yahoo.com
姐妹团契目前由十多位姐妹组成,有职业女性,也有全职太太/妈妈,分布在大哥伦比亚的各个角落。我们定期聚会,一起分享生活中的喜怒哀乐,特别是姐妹们特有的各种经验,一起在灵里互相关怀与鼓励,一起查考圣经学习神的话语。新冠疫情期间, 我们每月第二和第四个周六下午两点到四点通过Zoom 集会。疫情好转情况允许时,我们将组织家庭聚会与户外活动。欢迎您加入我们小组!如果你想了解有关我们小组更多的情况,请联系:黄金雪姐妹(Rebecca)803-467-7708
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Posted: July 17, 2022 by
7/24/2022 |
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